Our Services

SSAM offers traditional mediation & arbitration, utilizing a wide range of techniques and practices to deliver successful settlements for our clients.

Created specifically as a result of the 2020 pandemic, but an ADR model we expect to be used forever, our virtual mediation allows the parties to mediate from anywhere with any device. It is high definition video, no delay audio, allows private breakouts between neutral and any party, private chats between counsel and client and we provide the software at no charge.

For cases where the amount in dispute is limited, making the traditional cost of mediation impractical, we have a reduced pricing structure.

When one side needs an evidentiary exchange from the other before being ready to mediate, our DP program service will manage and effectuate that exchange, at no cost to the parties.
Personal Injury

An excellent program for when plaintiff’s counsel gives us a list of 5 – 25 cases against one carrier and our team goes to work to facilitate one to one dedicated mediation day(s) to move these cases to closure.

Before a suit, but after a claim is made to an insurance carrier, our PSM program manager ensures necessary information is exchanged in preparation for this early stage but significant cost saving mediation.

For Mass Torts and Class Actions, SSAM has significant experience in creating programs to navigate the complexities inherent in mass claims and resolutions.

In suits involving multiple parties, when not all agree to mediate, we have expertise bringing reluctant parties to the table to negotiate positive resolutions.