20- Aug2019
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SSAM CEO, Bill Groner’s book, 9/12: The Epic Battle of the Ground Zero Responders, releases on Sept 1st

SSAM ADR, is proud and honored to share this message from our CEO, Bill Groner.

My book, 9/12: The Epic Battle of the Ground Zero Responders, is scheduled for release September 1, but Amazon has just started shipping!

The story chronicles the nine-year long battle for redress waged by ten thousand responders that I  represented, as it dramatically unfolded in and outside the courtroom. Many of them still are suffering cancers and other illnesses, and have mourned the death of colleagues, as a direct result of their heroism. Yet despite their loss of physical function and friends, many of the responders say they would do it all again.


Their humanity and commitment to community is an inspiration to us all, and it was a privilege to tell their story.

I hope you will buy the book, as I will be donating all the net proceeds from book sales to honor these selfless Responders. TO ORDER and for more information about it, visit www.912thebook.com/.

And if you like 9/12 as much as Erin Brockovich and Kenneth Feinberg did, I would appreciate it if you would let Amazon know (ie, post a review).

Many Thanks,


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