Our Services
In addition to the mediation and arbitration services and programs listed below, we provide a multitude of resources and amenities for legal and insurance professionals.
We also are committed to supporting industry, community and charitable initiatives and offer our newly designed office suites as a venue for parties interested in hosting events or offering CLE courses.
Finally we are dedicated to providing boutique and concierge services for visiting attorneys and other professionals. Read below for more on our services and amenities or contact us today.

CUSP (Case Unilateral Submission Program)
CUSP was created for ADR situations when just 1 side submits a case to SSAM. Our staff will facilitate conversations between all sides. We will define the issues and attempt to facilitate agreement to commence mediation or arbitration. While this process may be time consuming, and require numerous conversations, and sometimes even result in the parties coming to resolution pre-ADR, there is no charge for this service.

CAP (Cost Amelioration Program)
For cases where the amount in dispute is limited, making the traditional cost of mediation impractical for a plaintiff, we have a reduced pricing structure.

One to One
An excellent program for when plaintiff’s counsel gives us a list of 5 – 25 cases against one carrier and our team goes to work to facilitate one to one dedicated mediation day(s) to move these cases to closure.

DP Program
When one side needs an evidentiary exchange from the other before being ready to mediate (medicals, radiological films, documents, etc.), our DP program service will manage and effectuate that exchange, at no cost to the parties.

PSM Program (Pre-Suit Mediation)
Before a suit, but after a claim is made to an insurance carrier, our PSM program manager ensures necessary information is exchanged in preparation for this early stage but significant cost saving mediation.

Mass Torts Division
For Mass Torts and Class Actions, SSAM has significant experience in creating programs to navigate the complexities inherent in mass claims and resolutions.

Mediation & Arbitration
SSAM offers traditional mediation & arbitration, utilizing a wide range of techniques and practices to deliver successful settlements for our clients.

Multi-Party Mediation
In suits involving multiple parties, when not all agree to mediate, we have expertise bringing reluctant parties to the table to negotiate positive resolutions.
We also offer a bevy of other services and amenities that include:
- Two State of the Art 5,000 sq. ft. Offices Conveniently Located in NYC & Westbury
- Large & Small Fully Equip Conference Rooms
- Videoconference Capabilities
- Guest Offices
- Training & CLE Courses
- Coffee Bar & Kitchen
- Serene, Intimate Breakout Rooms
- A/V & Presentation Screens
- Lounge Areas
- Wifi and Charging Stations
For the convenience of our guest attorneys we offer a variety of concierge services including:
- Administrative Assistance & Support
- Prep Rooms for Deposing / Meeting Clients
- Relaxing Lounge Space
- Fax Services
- Mail and Fed Ex Services
- On-Line Guest Office Reservations (please call 516-741-0100 for more information and availability)