Our Blog

21 - April 2019
Posted by : etnikk
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SSAM Med Mal Neutrals: Judicial and/or Practical Experience
Hon. Marvin E. Segal
Sup. Nassau/Med Mal Trial Part 20+ years

Extensive Med Mal conf’s / trials
Hon. Gerard H. Rosenberg
Sup. Kings Med Mal Trial Part supervisor

Extensive Med Mal trials

Conferenced 1000+ Med Mal cases
Hon. Thomas D. Atkinson
Practitioner: Extensive representation Med Mal plaintiffs and defendants

Representative Client: Northwell Health System
Hon. Edward G. McCabe
Sup. Nassau Admin Judge: created Med Mal part

Sup. Nassau Trial Judge: Extensive Med Mal conf’s / trials

Practitioner: County Attorney, Nassau County and Nassau County Medical Center
Hon. W. Gerard Asher
Sup. Suffolk Trial Judge

Extensive Med Mal confs / trials
21 - February 2019
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We are proud to announce the opening to our NYC office space on March 20th, 2019!

SSAM’s new Manhattan office will feature a serene, well-planned design focused on creating a collaborative energy and an exemplary experience.  The 5,000 square foot space will provide the showcase for warm, inviting conference rooms, relaxing lounges with plush seating, and comfortable breakout spaces that offer a pleasing respite between mediations or a cozy venue for more intimate meetings.  The high-tech space, modern library, and amply stocked Urban Coffee Bar will provide interactive spaces that foster a sense of community, while the integrated speaker system will distribute soothing sounds of jazz throughout the space.

Want to be one of the first to see the new space?

Email Hello@SSAMadr.com or call 516-741-0100

20 - February 2019
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Impending Trial ADR Program (TAP)

With eLAW as our Strategic Partner, we have created the impending Trial ADR program or TAP. Using our eLAW target matching program we can identify those of your cases that are close to trial in each County. These upcoming trials are  prime for settlement before expending labor intensive trial prep and the associated heavy trial costs, for experts, investigators, process serving, etc.

To facilitate these settlements, each month we are scheduling specific ADR dates for each County with our top neutrals for that county.

To participate, simply call or email SSAM indicating your counties of interest and we will provide your firm with a list of your cases that have a trial conference coming up in the next 45-60 days. Our expert staff will then reach out to the other side to efficiently set up a date with one of our highly skilled neutrals to effect resolution of your case.

Of course, If you are interested in another date or neutral of your choice, just inform us and we will happily accommodate any such request.

With eLAW by our side, SSAM is quickly becoming the standard in ADR and the settlement solution for your precise needs.

30 - January 2019
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eMediate: The “button” that empowers you to streamline ADR

At SSAM we are focusing on everything possible to elevate and advance the ADR experience. To do this, we focus our attention on processes and programs that range from the progressive (such as promoting the next generation of trusted neutrals that target maximizing resolution rates) to the seemingly less significant (for instance, the actual process for how one submits a case).  

Let’s look at our latest focus – the submission process.  Here, SSAM has pre-launched an innovative Digital Case Submission Program, which is introduced in conjunction with our Investment Partner, and trusted industry resource, eLaw.   From the eLaw website, clients simply click the button labeled eMediate, which electronically submits a form to us that self-populates with all relevant court system data that exists for the case.  All you have to do is add your contact info. There is no need to pull files or sift through piles of paperwork before submitting a case.  One button and its done. This means it takes less time for clients to submit a case.  Giving them more time to work on their files.


To take advantage of our pre-launch and to access the eMediate button simply navigate to your case on eLaw and click the eMediate button


Stay tuned for many other projects that we and eLaw have in development.

29 - January 2019
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A new view for ADR, 27 stories above Manhattan: SSAM’s expansion to NYC


SSAM’s new Manhattan office will feature a serene, well-planned design focused on creating a collaborative energy and an exemplary experience.  The 5,000 square foot space will provide the showcase for warm, inviting conference rooms, relaxing lounges with plush seating, and comfortable breakout spaces that offer a pleasing respite between mediations or a cozy venue for more intimate meetings.  The high-tech space, modern library, and amply stocked Urban Coffee Bar will provide interactive spaces that foster a sense of community, while the integrated speaker system will distribute soothing sounds of jazz throughout the space.

This is the vision that we and our investment partners, eLaw and PM Legal, have for our NYC expansion.  The space is currently under construction and scheduled to open in mid to late March 2019.

We continue to be fascinated by the interplay between the physical and cognitive environment and how this can affect mediation outcomes. Our Long Island flagship location, in Westbury, was built with these factors in mind.  Its success has validated our belief that an exceptional environment can positively impact the mediation success rate: in 2018 our last 700 mediations (latest tracking period) have resulted in an 84% resolution rate.

Located one block from Grand Central, our 27th floor Manhattan space will provide clients with a handsome and tranquil backdrop to resolve their litigations without having to go through the complete trial process.

Of course, providing trusted neutrals is a critical part of our success. At SSAM, we work continuously to vet and develop the next generation of neutrals that embody the skills that we feel are critical; integrity, respect, communication, empathy, preparedness, likability, perseverance, and intelligence.

Click here for our blog on why we feel respect and trust are critical neutral traits
Click here for video bios on our neutrals
Click here for more on the Hon Tom Atkinson, SSAM neutral, and voted a top five best mediator by NYLJ readers  

26 - September 2018
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Settlement Negotiation: Can Kindness and Respect Move the Needle?

As a young trial lawyer in the 1980’s I had a take no prisoners approach when negotiating. The theory was that you only show strength, never weakness and power your way to convincing the other side of the value of your case.

Validate or show respect for your adversary’s arguments? Blasphemy!
Smile and just be chill when negotiating with your adversary? Not in warfare!

Decades later, and now into a second career in the alternative dispute world, I have become fascinated with the art and science behind dispute resolution. Not how to bully and muscle one’s way to a result but the psychology and sociology involved in interpersonal dispute resolution.